The Problems with Low-Level Laser Therapy
Ones you may, or may not have yet, realized you experience
There are three big problems with current low-level laser therapy that Dr. Post realized while using it in the past with patients. These problems are:
- - Low-level laser therapy devices are still too expensive.
- - Low-level laser therapy results don't last as long as they should.
- - Time is wasted setting up the low-level laser therapy device for each treatment & applying the therapy.
Let's Look At Each Problem More Closely
When I began using low-level laser therapy, the office I worked for at the time paid more than $14,000 for the device. That was quite a bit more than the car I was driving at that time. There was some pressure on me because I was the one who convinced the owner of the clinic to buy it. I had seen one earlier when I was attending chiropractic school but that wasn't close up and didn't actually get to use one at that time. I took a few continuing education seminars where they promoted using low-level laser therapy and said that the results we would get with just using the information from the seminar would be very good, the results with using this therapy combined with the seminar information would be outstanding.
So, after seeing these devices and learning more about their potential at these continuing-education seminars I brought it up with the owner, my boss, and after some convincing, agreed and bought one for the clinic. Getting one of these low-level laser therapy devices in my hands was a pivotal point in my career as a chiropractic health care provider. The fact of the matter is though, that a $14,000 device cannot be perchased by every practice. While the prices of some of these cold laser devices have come down in price over the last 8 years, even a $5,000 is still expensive. While there are versions out there that are cheaper (i.e. $1,500 or so), they are missing a lot of the things that make them better such as randomized output which overcomes the body's reponse to the same frequency being delivered all of the time. The body keeps on seeing the same thing and after a little while, doesn't therapeutically respond to the treatment as well as it should.
After our office received the low-level (or cold) laser therapy device I used it as much as patients would allow me to, our price per treatment at the time was $45, and this is still the national average for these treatments. Sometimes there were amazing changes that were seen within 30 seconds of the first treatment. One of the most memorable of these was a patient who was weak and unsteady on his feet. It took me a few minutes to set-up the device and then shined the laser up and down his spine as he marched in place. As he started you could tell he didn't have the balance that he should, he moved slowly at a pace where he was comfortable to be sure he wouldn't lose his balance and fall to the ground. Before the timer on the laser reached 30 seconds I couldn't believe what I observed. The patient, instead of being unsteady on his feet and looking like he was about to fall tranformed into someone who was steady on his feet and his pace picked up as if he was marching in the military again. It was simply astounding and it was then and there I realized how powerful low-level laser therapy really was.
The problem here, however, was observed just 2 days later when he was scheduled to return for another adjustment. The results that we had achieved applying cold laser therapy was already gone. He was back to being the gentleman who was weak and unsteady on his feet. Where did those results go? Why didn't it last? I later realized that patients were not getting enough therapy in order to maintain the results we were trying to achieve and that was disappointing.
Each treatment delivered was composed of a set of frequencies that help tissues operate or function more normally. With a dis-eased state, a tissue could be functioning at a level below -or- above normal. Low-level laser therapy is also known as photo-bio-modulation it shifts (or modulates) the frequency of a tissue from a higher or lower frequency back to the normal frequency. There is a lot more to it than that but that is the subject to cover at another time. So for each treatment, it took some time to enter the frequencies for a condition into the laser therapy device (and since were too many different frequency combinations to use, I'd always have to look it up which took more time too. If I had staff available they could do that too but in all honesty, would rather they be doing some other income-producing activities in the office.
Additionally, while there were some patients who were capapble of applying the therapy on their own after the device was set-up for them, though this didn't occur very often and either the chiropractic assistants or myself was stuck applying the therapy taking up valuable time. This was time that I could be adjusting up to twenty more patients in a day, or the staff could be rooming the next patient and suggesting a couple of other products that might help them feel better faster.
Well, those are the problems that I saw when I used those older, expensive, time-consuming devices that gave awesome results, but those results didn't last long enough. If you already use laser therapy you probably can identify with some or all of these and wished there was a better way. I'm glad to let you know that there finally is - using Script Lasers, Inc. prescription-based low-level laser therapy devices in your practice.