Benefit Using Prescription Laser Therapy
Patients, Practitioners & Practices All Benefit
There are a number of benefits using the Script Lasers Prescription-Based Low-Level Laser Therapy devices. These include:
- - Better Patient Outcomes
- - Reduced Doctor/Staff Time Consumed by Laser Treatments
- - Better Practice Outcomes
Better Patient Outcomes
Low-level laser therapy has a unique ability to increase the amount of energy available to the cells to speed healing. When the cells and tissues of the body have more available energy they are able to function, communicate and heal better. Another wonderful thing about laser therapy is that treatments are cumulative and one builds upon another. Generally, one treats a health issue with a series of treatments for the best effect. With our prescription-based low-level laser therapy device a patient is able to combine a number of treatments (an average of three treatments per day) over a prescribed period of time in order to obtain the best results compared to other laser treatments.
Reduced Doctor/Staff Time Consumed by Laser Treatments
When laser therapy treatments are performed in your clinic, it takes time to set-up the device and apply the therapy for each treatment and for each patient. With our devices, set-up is easy and reduced to one time for each patient instead of for each of the several treatments that are prescribed. Additionally, the patient applies their own therapy so if your clinic normally applies low level laser therapy the time savings can be substantial. With time saved, you are able to see more patients and apply more pysical therapy or chiropractic treatments per day.
Better Practice Outcomes
When you are able to see more patients and with the added benefit of income produced by each of our devices you put into use - practice revenue increases. Typically, practices with more income are healthier, happier and able grow easier. This also makes it easier to build your business value if you are looking forward to selling your practice in the next few years or even add an associate chiropractor to the team to see even more patients.
Years ago, when I started using low-level laser therapy it allowed me to get more patients better more quickly than I could have imagined. I was assisting them with usual things like neck and low back pain but eventually even those cases that normally don't respond very well to chiropractic care started coming in the door. Who would have thought that I could help a MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) infection go away when it wasn't responding to the drugs designed for these infections? Low-level laser therapy can allow you to assist the body's naturally healing process and tackle even tough cases with ease. When you can do this, something magical happens - word gets out and those who had not been helped by medicine or other therapies find you. You become the provider that people come to when they've tried everything (even the other chiropractor or physical therapist down the street) because they've heard about how you helped someone else with a similar condition. Low-level laser therapy can do this, I've experienced this and it is powerful.
One last thing on practice outcomes, for each of our prescription-based low-level laser therapy devices you put into use you can increase your yearly revenue by a little over $10,000. However, when you are able to see more patients in a day because you are spending less time spent setting up and applying laser therapy, it can make an even bigger impact.